Rodent Pest Management
Rodent Pest Management
Rodents which are commonly known to us as rats and mice are dangerous pests that can create havoc in your homes. Right from homes to factories to hospitals to offices, they can be found anywhere, where they will find food and shelter. Notoriously known for spreading dreadful diseases and also polluting the food in your kitchens. They can also damage electronics, wiring etc. on the premises by chewing on them. The rodent problem is something which nobody should face on their premises, whether a single rodent or a family, it is very important that you get rid of them immediately and prevent their future attacks. Before you choose a rodent control service company, you need to know a few things about these pests.
Rodent Pest Management
Scope of Treatment controlling – Rat, Mice, Bandicoot, House Mouse

Rats are intuitive and do not trust new things in their surroundings like traps and baits kept to capture them.They colonize and live in burrows, under concrete, in-wall holes difficult to reach places. They can carry and transmit a number of diseases. They will also bring along with them disease-carrying parasites like fleas and ticks to your premises.

Mice can multiply quickly and will do significant damage to your home, business and furniture through their gnawing activities. They will also contaminate food and other materials through the droppings they leave behind. Their droppings have even been implicated as potential asthma triggers in children. Mice enter and try to infest the premises in search of food, water and warmth.

The Bandicoot rat is a giant rat of southern Asia and can be up to 40cm long, including the tail. Bandicoot rats pose a significant health risk to humans, both adults and babies, as well as to our pets. The spread of many common diseases, such as Salmonella, Weil’s disease, E.coli and TB, is attributed to Bandicoot rats. They also carry fleas, mites and ticks and can cause acute allergic reactions.

House Mouse
The house mouse is the most commonly encountered and economically important of the commensal rodents. House mice are of Central Asian origin, but they are distributed worldwide and can be found throughout the United States. House mice are not only a nuisance, but they can pose significant health and property threats. House mice breed rapidly and can adapt quickly to changing conditions.
Rodent Pest Service
Rodent Control Service – Baiting (Roban Cake) & Glue Trapping
Scope of Treatment controlling – Rat, Mice, Bandicoot, House Mouse
Chemicals Used in this Process
1. Bromadiolone – 0.005%
2. Rodent Glue Traps